I want to detect whether various diagnosis groups (1,2,3,4) benefit differently from a treatment (1=absent, 2=present).
I have used SPSS and i chose amongst other things "diagnosis group", "treatment" and the interaction "diagnosis group" * "treatment" as predictive markers.
I have selected "last" as reference category and I chose "forward:Wald" as method.
As result I've got among other things these lines:
- Therapy*Diagnosis group Wald:15,368 df:3 significance:0,002
- Therapy*Diagnosis group(1) B: -,151 SE: ,399 Wald:,144 df:1 significance:,704 Exp(B):,860
- Therapy*Diagnosis group(2) B: ,979 SE:,345 Wald:8,064 df:1 significance:,005 Exp(B):2,662
- Therapy*Diagnosis group(3) B:1,084 SE:,371 Wald:8,522 df:1 significance:,004 Exp(B):2,955
I'm not sure how to interpret these results/interactions.
Does it mean that people without therapy who are in diagnosis group 2 have a 166% higher risk to die in the next year than people who received therapy and were in diagnosis group 4?
Does it mean that people without therapy who are in diagnosis group 3 and didn't receive therapy have a risk 195% higher to die in the next year that people in group 4 who did receive therapy?
I would be very grateful for help!