Hello Bettina, although the following articles assess understanding or awareness of palliative care in other staff, the questionnaires can be usefull for you:
Article Palliative Care Awareness among Indian Undergraduate Health ...
f Nurses’ Knowledge about Palliative Care: A Quantita...
Article Study of Nurses’ Knowledge about Palliative Care: A Quantita...
You can refer to http://www.who.int/cancer/palliative/definition/en/
Hospice is a homeopathic therapy.
To show love, gratitude, forgive and moral cultivation of life body/mind/soul overall frequency is a positive add-on to the palliative care. Even, it can let the patient and family members to put down the root of the disease such as hatred, self-centered, etc. to induce a total recovery.
To do self-healing ( https://www.researchgate.net/project/The-Whole-Body-Healing-System) to increase body's yang qi to improve health. Please read: https://universaltcm.com/chinese-medicine/yang-qi-functions-relationship-health/
Practice 5 min/day https://universaltcm.com/da-zhou-tian/ to boost immunity and let hands have self-healing power to so cosmic energy self-healing.
Practice 5 organ detoxification exercise: https://universaltcm.com/five-organs-detoxification-exercises-2/
Practice the five animals internal play (Wu Qin Xi 五禽戲) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lXdDXK-tI0 to strengthen solid organs (kidneys, liver, heart, spleen, lungs) functions.
I do invest huge time, money and efforts to find the solution for all. It includes moral cultivation to promote good characters to incentive a peaceful world. I do like to spread it and looking for partners.
Health is easy to reach: keep qi and blood flow smoothly and have good moral cultivation. All of them are based on building high frequency.
The health is based on: https://universaltcm.com/chinese-medicine/yang-qi-functions-relationship-health/
The frequency can do fo people: http://static.wixstatic.com/media/c7072f_807b750f232a43f1bf9d32fbd6b12518.png/v1/fill/w_1095,h_480,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/c7072f_807b750f232a43f1bf9d32fbd6b12518.png