I am interested in (partial) permeabilization of plasma membranes of live cells in such a way which would ...

a) ... not lead to permeabilization of endocompartment's membranes (chiefly of ER membranes)

b) ... allow to permeation of small molecules through PM (in or out of the cytoplasm)

c) I would need method with the most replicable parameters across experiments (not for Immuno or visualisation - I intend to use it for some kinetics inside cells)

(d) - it is not necessary to be reversible, however it would be positive bonus :-) )

I have read some inspirational stories with saponins, I have heard of possibilities to use CHAPS or PEG. What are your real experiencies? What would You recommend?

(saponins are promising, but I feel headache from hard way to achieve replicability with them .. to even get properly defined saponins seems problem, working concentration? Solubility.. temperature dependent effect etc)

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