Dr Adil: I believe your question relates to faciometrics, which is a sub-set of biometrics. Generally speaking, we can predict malocclusion from cranial base, midface and mandibular features from facial photographs (faciometrics) or from 3D facial imaging. However, more research is needed in this field to establish the reliability of these approaches. Best wishes - Prof Dave
I agree with Dr. Mageet that Narrow faces (dolico face) or long faces have narrow upper arch and may have posterior cross bite. I also add that they have tendency to anteriir openbite, while Brachycephalic wid and short faces have tendencey towards anterior deep bite.
Yes Dr. Hani thats true also hyperactive massetric muscles, deep mento labial fold and a low angle case. Aren't they seen in Class II/2 and Class I malocclusion?
Yes, the type of face affects the position of teeth. wide face give a wide base for better arrangement of teeth. Narrow face mainly followed by teeth crowding.