العمل الإداري المادي هو مجرد واقعة مادية غير مؤثرة في المراكز القانونية التي تتصل بها، بينما العمل الإداري القانوني هو عمل يرتب آثاراً قانونية مباشرة على حقوق وواجبات الأفراد أو الإدارة1. مثلاً، إصلاح طريق أو بناء مدرسة هو عمل إداري مادي، بينما إصدار قرار بالتعيين أو النقل أو الفصل هو عمل إداري قانوني2.
Physical administrative labour encompasses a range of practical responsibilities, including the administration of facilities, organisation of office spaces, managing of communication processes, coordination of logistics, and maintenance of records. The effective management of resources and the maintenance of infrastructure are essential for ensuring the seamless functioning of day-to-day activities. On the other hand, legal administrative work primarily centres on ensuring legal conformity, including the observance of statutes, rules, and contractual obligations. The scope of this domain encompasses several responsibilities, such as the administration of contracts, licencing agreements, safeguarding intellectual property, ensuring data privacy, and resolving disputes. This particular feature guarantees that the organisation functions within the parameters of the law and takes measures to protect its interests. Both forms of administrative work play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth running of an organisation. Physical administrative work primarily focuses on managing operational logistics, while legal administrative work primarily focuses on ensuring compliance with legal regulations and safeguarding the organization's interests.