I would recommend to post this question also on AscoFrance forum (www.ascofrance.fr), I'm sure Alexander would agree on that too.
Second possibility (you probably know that) is SMML Fungus-Host Distribution Database (http://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases/fungushost/fungushost.cfm). However, when I type "Phaeocalicium" I get a list, where there are 6 locations from Norther America for P. polyporaeum, unfortunately all from a paper you certainly know (Hutchison, L.J. 1987. Studies on Phaeocalicium polyporaeum in North America. Mycologia 79: 786-789).
On GBIF there are 31 locations: 4 from Romania, 1 from Azerbaijan, and the rest from North America (USA and Canada).
I think AscoFrance would be a really good option...
It is certainly valuable information that you have published?
Is there certainty as to the mark? For fungi can also be Chaenotheca sp. And Chaenothecopsis sp. Is it possible to send the material to microscopic analysis?
Thank you for the information about databases. Touring North America are easily available, but Romania saw only that he is on their list. I did not get into details.