A short scale by Caplan et al. that we have used measures anxiety, depression, and irritation. The anxiety items are:
I feel nervous
I feel jittery
I feel calm (reversed)
I feel fidgety
They used a 4-point scale:
1 = never or a little of the time
2 = some of the time
3 = a good part of the time
4 = most of the time
We changed to a 5-point scale for use in a specific time frame (e.g., past month) for Spector et al.:
1 = not at all
2 = once or twice in total
3 = once or twice per week
4 = almost every day
5 = every day
Caplan, R. D., Cobb, S., French, J. R. P., Van Harrison, R., & Penneau, S. R. (1980). Job demands and worker health. An Arbor: University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research.
Spector, P. E., Yang, L.-Q., & Zhou, Z. E. (2015). A longitudinal investigation of the role of violence prevention climate in exposure to workplace physical violence and verbal abuse. Work & Stress, 29(4), 325-340. doi:10.1080/02678373.2015.1076537
A short scale by Caplan et al. that we have used measures anxiety, depression, and irritation. The anxiety items are:
I feel nervous
I feel jittery
I feel calm (reversed)
I feel fidgety
They used a 4-point scale:
1 = never or a little of the time
2 = some of the time
3 = a good part of the time
4 = most of the time
We changed to a 5-point scale for use in a specific time frame (e.g., past month) for Spector et al.:
1 = not at all
2 = once or twice in total
3 = once or twice per week
4 = almost every day
5 = every day
Caplan, R. D., Cobb, S., French, J. R. P., Van Harrison, R., & Penneau, S. R. (1980). Job demands and worker health. An Arbor: University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research.
Spector, P. E., Yang, L.-Q., & Zhou, Z. E. (2015). A longitudinal investigation of the role of violence prevention climate in exposure to workplace physical violence and verbal abuse. Work & Stress, 29(4), 325-340. doi:10.1080/02678373.2015.1076537