Most of the MCMC packages that are called from R (e.g., JAGS, OpenBUGS, Stan) are similar to BUGS so refer to the examples in volumes 1--3 of the BUGS examples. These are on I quickly looked at a few JAGS places and didn't see any translations into JAGS. It is probably best to look at those volumes and see which example is closest. I don't know Jags so don't know if it is obvious how to translate. Also, you are more likely to get a quick and detailed response from JAGS or MCMC or multilevel listserv than here. might be a good place to start.
JAGS and WinBUGS use almost identical code. So the three volumes of WinBUGS examples are great. As are the three books by Congdon published by Wiley. Your model sounds relatively simple, so you're bound to find all you need in those references, and loads more beside.