I am not able to find any downloadable signal data files on the internet directly. Please provide the link to a database where I can access the files or if you have the data please send me via a message.
I am working on EOG signal denoising. I want to apply a set of denoising algorithms to the EOG signals. A large database for testing the performance of my algorithms would be greatly helpful. I would request if you could please share the dataset with me . You can email me at
Sorry for the delayed response because of my trips. I can surely send you my EOG data. It would be better if I know what kind of data you want, e.g. normal adults? certain kinds of patients? during specific stage of sleep? and so forth.
I would appreciate if you could send me all the data as my study is a general one based on EOG signals. Would be highly obliged if you could please share the data with me.
the link that you shared is for the data visualization into the ATM signal viewer. However, for researcher who wants to test his own SW for the recognition of eye-movements, such data are not useful, isn'n it?