I am trying to identify the real and pseudo miRNA in my work by using triplet-svm-classifier software, in triplet-svm-classifier software. First step to predict the secondary str of miRNA using RNAfold 2nd step- triplet element format file is generated using triplet-svm-classifier, 3rd step- using triplet element format and model is used to predict the result. The final result explains the real and pseudo miRNA.

In the final step I am not able to classify the real and pseudo miRNA

This is the result i got from libsvm:

EX1: Accuracy = 0% (0/1) (classification)

Mean squared error = 25 (regression)

Squared correlation coefficient = -1.#IND (regression)

EX2: Accuracy = 100% (1/1) (classification)

Mean squared error = 0 (regression)

Squared correlation coefficient = -1.#IND (regression)

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