Dear friends

I have read all the conversations. I have a query related to QY.

Any correction is required for measuring the QY, if I maintain the following:

1. Considering the reference standard as Rhodamine 6g; QY = 0.95 in ethanol and excitation wavelength 488 nm.

2. The fluorophore (sample) has abs range 435 to 595 nm with maximum wavelength 552 nm. Rhodamine 6g is suitable for this dye?

3. Abs (OD) at excitation wavelength ~0.01 to 0.1 (Is it suitable?)

4. Fluorescence excitation for sample and ref (both) 488 nm.

5. Quartz cuvette with path length 1cm (3 ml volume).

6. Absorption instrument: JASCO V-670 Spectrophotometer

7. Fluorescence instrument: Varian Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Spectrometer

8. gradient method for QY calculation.

Here I have attached the spectrophotometer setting

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