
I have a sample of carbon paper. There is no coating on the carbon paper and it is high graphitic and electrically conductive.

From trying to fit a peaks in C 1s spectrum, I think I have found C=C (284.5 eV), C-O (287.5 eV), C-C (286.6 eV), C=O(287.9 eV), O-C=O (288.9 eV), and shakeup (291.0 eV).

With C-C is skew Voigh and the rest is Voigh line shape.

However, for O 1s, I can fit in 1 Voigh peak at 532.8 eV which I think it is C-O.

Since I was able to fit multiple oxygen functional groups in C 1s, does O 1s also need to have C=O and O-C=O as well?

Thank you.

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