
I am testing Sigracet carbon paper for a vanadium redox flow battery. I am performing cyclic voltammetry (CV) on heat-treated Sigracet carbon paper. CV shows a clear peak in catholyte (V4+/V5+), but using the same working electrode for V2+/V3+ does not show any activity.

Other literature show clear peaks on V2+/V3+ redox reaction. Any idea?

Literature that show clear peaks: Article Degradation of Carbon Electrodes in the All‐Vanadium Redox F...

anolyte: 0.5M V3+, 2M H2SO4, 30 ml

catholyte: 0.5M V4+, 2M H2SO4, 30 ml

ref electrode: Ag/AgCl

counter electrode: Pt wire or Pt mesh

working electrode: 5cm2 heat-treated Sigracet carbon paper at 500 celcius for 3hr in air atmosphere.

scan rate: 10 mV/s

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