So there I was testing ROC for a scale to predict intellectual deficit as the scale tests for some basic skills. So what matters here is that as the scoring goes lower, there should be a higher chance of predicting the clinical group membership. Running that on SPSS is quite easy as I can indicate that lower score increases chance of detection. Still I'm interested in some outputs that SPSS isn't able to provide me.

Then I looked after options in R... stumbled upon many pakcages which weren't THAT user friendly until I found pROC. Well, pROC is simple and incredible. Problem is I miss the option which I can use to indicate the same as I indicate in SPSS (that score decreases and case detection is more likely). Control group is 0, clinical is 1. Everything is set... but here I am missing that one simple information... or let me know if it is not needed at all.

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