I have performed CD measurement with different concentration for the same peptide, ranging from 100 to 25 microMolar. The CD raw data gives ellipticity in "mdeg" which I thought is the reason that the scales are different on Y-axis. That's why I normalized it by converting "mdeg" to "Mean Residual ellipticity (MRE)", the unit for which is "mdeg cm2 dmol-1 res-1" using this formula:

MRE = (mdeg*106)/(L*C*N)

Where, mdeg = the ellipticity directly obtained from CD (avg of 5 accumulation with baseline correction)

L = Pathlength (in mm)

C = Concentration of respective peptide (in microMolar)

N = No. of residues in the peptide

In my understanding, we often normalize data to properly compare the results from different measurement, and that's what I did, but still, the ellipticity (MRE) seems to decrease as the concentration are decreasing (just like mdeg), then what is the meaning of normalizing!

So my questions:

1) Am I normalizing it correctly?

2) How to get different concentration study (for the same peptide) data on the same scale (Y-axis), so as to make them comparable?

Hope someone would be able to help me. Much appreciated.

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