16 January 2017 11 566 Report

Hello everyone,

I am trying to simulate a laminar flow with heat transfer in a rectangular microchannel, but the problem is when I solve just the laminar flow everything (velocity, friction factor,...) is correct and matches with the analytical solutions. When I add the heat transfer it affects the laminar flow as well and changes the pressure and velocity in the microchannel. I entered all of the solid and fluid properties user defined and constant (independent of T), so the laminar flow results should not be changed.

I have a laminar flow module of comsol with P2+P1 discretization,water as working fluid, Inlet velocity (2.8932m/s calculated from Re=250) and 0pa at outlet.

Fluid and Solid (silicon) domains have been selected in Heat transfer module, boundary conditions are constant T at inlet of fluid domain, Outflow at outlet of fluid domain and constant heat flux at bottom of the solid part, and symmetry boundary condition has been used for both sides of channel for both laminar flow and heat transfer as you can see in the pic.

non-isothermal flow option is on in multiphysics and I am using Paradiso direct solver as fully coupled. 

I have attached the comsol file (v 5.2).

I appreciate any help that can help me to solve this problem.


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