Hi everyone,

I am running a moderated linear regression and I found a significant interaction effect.

I then used the Preacher online calculator to conduct a simple slopes analysis.

My simple slopes analysis showed that the slope of the regression line at +1SD, mean, -1SD was significantly different from zero (they all show a positive relationship between predictor and outcome at all three values of the moderator tested).

The values are:

cv1 t=5.02, p < .001

cv2 t = 4.92, p < .001

cv3 t=2.11, p = .035

You can see from the pattern of t values and corresponding p values that (as my research team hypothesized), the strength of the relationship between predictor and outcome is stronger at lower levels of the moderator (p < .001 at mean and -1SD compared to p = .035 at +1SD).

However, given that the simple slopes analysis only tells us that the LINE is significantly different from ZERO (and all three are at p < .05)... I am wondering how to compare these lines to each other.

Is there a way to test the lines to illustrate that the slope is steeper for lower levels of my moderator (compared to higher levels of my moderator)? This is what I think is happening in my data -- but I am not sure I can conclude it only from the the different p values in the simple slopes analysis (p = .035 vs. p < .001).

Thanks in advance for the help or advice!


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