When I first read this article, it made my head swim. I was totally bewildered and couldn’t put two thoughts together. Then I decided the best way to understand it would be to summarize it by reading through the article several times, writing down thoughts as they occurred to me. After a while, I came up with this summary – which includes a few ideas that appear to be natural consequences of Dr. Siegel’s ideas.


Astrophysicist Dr. Siegel’s article says Stephen Hawking’s popular book “A Brief History of Time” states that the Hawking radiation emitted from black holes takes the form of particle-antiparticle pairs in which one member of the pair is a particle of matter while the other member is antimatter. I looked up section 7 (“Black Holes Ain’t So Black”) in Prof. Hawking’s book and the particle-antiparticle pairs it refers to are of light and gravity. It goes on to say, “The antiparticles of light and gravity are the same as the particles”. I really don’t know how an astrophysicist could make a mistake like this. But it may be overlooked since his sentence “Black holes don't emit matter or antimatter via Hawking radiation, but low-energy photons” is very educational - focusing on photon emission led me to much inspiration.


In 1919, Albert Einstein wrote a paper called “Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?” This paper is often dismissed by modern science which believes it’s outdated by discovery of the nuclear forces in the 1930s. However, I believe it shows that Einstein was well over a century ahead of his time because vector-tensor-scalar geometry shows that Einstein’s paper accounts for the mass and quantum spin of not only the weak and strong nuclear forces’ bosons, but also of the Higgs boson.


The consequences of the above paragraph for today seem to be - the universe’s quantum fields consist only of real photons and gravitons – no virtual particles. ^ The pressure from interaction of the photons and gravitons can be interpreted as material particles or antiparticles in scientific experiments. Space is the name given to those regions where mass-generating interaction doesn’t occur. Photons “sit there”, oscillating and propagating but not interacting. The photons are propagated on space-time disturbances caused by the black hole’s mass warping spacetime. The vibrations or disturbances are called ripples in space or gravitational waves. This can be expressed as “the black hole’s curvature gradient creates the photon radiation”. If the geons of John A. Wheeler confine gravitational and electromagnetic waves to quantum scales, waves could never travel macroscopic light years but only the distance from one of the universe’s pre-existing photons or gravitons to the next photon or graviton. These particles then re-transmit the vibrations or disturbances they received, similar to the way an electric impulse travels from one nerve cell to the next. Neurons' electric impulses use chemicals called neurotransmitters - spacetime's gravitational and electromagnetic waves use BITS (the electronic binary digits of 1 and 0). BITS are hypothesized to be the ultimate constituents of spacetime i.e. of photons and gravitons - whose interaction produces fermionic, and bosonic, mass, quantum spin, and charge or polarity. They act as transistors to boost the waves' strength and prevent power loss as the light years are crossed.

^ “A Brief History of Time” says the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle predicts existence of virtual particles. If there are no virtual particles, the uncertainty, or quantum fluctuations, in fields could be accounted for by excitations and variations of real photons and gravitons. These excitations and variations could result from the above paragraph’s BITS where switching from 1 to 0 or vice versa would be a quantum fluctuation. The binary digits themselves could be regarded as Hidden Variables introducing a hidden order into apparent disorder – and as will be seen soon, they’re compatible with quantum entanglement. Progressing outwards from the core of a quantum particle, the Information Density becomes less and the calculations resulting from the 1’s and 0’s produce a lower number. This results in measurement of events becoming less precise i.e. probabilistic with knowledge of both a particle's position and momentum becoming uncertain. What would happen if we used inappropriate mathematics while trying to comprehend quantum mechanics? We’d inevitably end up in the situation described by physicist and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman - “I think I can safely say that nobody really understands quantum mechanics”.


This more-or-less stationary, “sitting there”, nature of gravitational and electromagnetic waves means the universe need not expand. As the final section puts it, “This model challenges the prevailing notion of dark energy as the driver of universal expansion. Instead, it posits a potentially groundbreaking view of the universe as a static entity.”

The universe’s sources of matter and energy give space quantifiable, even if small, curvature (sources such as black holes’ mass - as well as massive objects without an event horizon - warping spacetime and producing photon radiation). The previous lines describe the spatial part of space-time. Let’s devote the next paragraph to its temporal aspect –


The electromagnetic equations of James Clerk Maxwell describe “advanced” waves that apparently travel back in time. George Yuri Rainich showed in 1925 that gravitation shares some properties with electromagnetism. And in 2022, John G. Cramer wrote, “In summary, it appears that advanced waves do exist and have been detected. Much more work must be done to ensure that this effect is real and can be extended, but the physics implications are gigantic.” It may therefore be conjectured that both gravitational and electromagnetic waves possess retarded and advanced components which travel forwards and backwards in time, cancelling one another and entangling all masses.


The numbers in the circular depiction of Wick rotation bring to mind clocks and watches. What happens if Wick rotation is accepted as truly being time? When it is built into the photons and gravitons composing all masses and spacetime, all time (the entire past and present and future) is united into one thing just as all space and all mass are united into one thing. If time only passed rectilinearly - from past to present to future - the idea of waves travelling back in time would make no sense at all. But if time is curvilinear as General Relativity states - with past, present, and future interconnected by circular Wick rotation - time must be able to move from future to present to past.

Unity of past/present/future may remove the issue of non-simultaneity – in special relativity – because the timing or sequence of events being different in different frames of reference can only exist if past/present/future are separate. The concepts of cause and effect are no longer separate when all periods of time are united, and everything can happen “at once”. This is similar to watching a DVD – every event on the DVD exists at once since the whole DVD exists but we’re only aware of sights and sounds occurring in each tiny fraction of a second. Special Relativity’s non-simultaneity would only exist when time is regarded from individual points on the DVD where we’re aware of one of those tiny fractions of a second. It, and time dilation, wouldn’t exist from the frame of reference where the entire DVD is viewed). Time dilation definitely exists in the human frame of reference. But if we could be God-like and view the entire Cosmic DVD at once, we’d see that all time is united into one thing. There would not be one time running slowly, nor another time passing rapidly. The absolute time of Isaac Newton, where a unit of time anywhere in the universe exactly equals that unit anywhere else, must inevitably resurface.


If the propagation of photons and gravitons is indeed curvilinear and follows the circular path of Wick rotation, the dark energy inherent in space-time could pass from our real space-time on the x-axis to imaginary space-time on the y-axis then return to the x-axis, and on and on. The negative imaginary space-time below the x-axis might even be identified with science fiction’s subspace. This interaction of the axes, and repeated cycling through other dimensions, allows dark energy to form the mass known as dark matter by obeying E=mc^2 i.e. the photons and gravitons of “dark” electromagnetism and “dark” gravitation would interact. This model challenges the prevailing notion of dark energy as the driver of universal expansion. Instead, it posits a potentially groundbreaking view of the universe as a static entity.

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