Who can tell me what ´speces´ constitue city branding? So is it emotional, cognitive, connative etc and are there any good questionnaires to ´measure´city branding space?
Since the brand is only in your head, it has to be cognitive in the first place. Afterwards you may start an analysis of the "quality" - Peter et al. (1999) have suggested a relative hieracy of cognition and affection that might be usefull for you. I chew a bit on this in my PhD, chapter 3.
Hi Bob van Limburg Your question resonates with the 2011's Zenker on JPMD, "
How to catch a city? The concept and measurement of place brands". It seems a very good starting point as it clarifies the concept of place brand and place identity. Basically, being place brand is a multidimensional construct, including emotional, cognitive, etc. dimensions, "hard facts" (place physics) cannot reflect associations in individual person's mind, but they can represent the place identity that exerts influence over the perceptions of a place brand.
Suggested methods to measure place (city) brands are both qualitative (brand associations), quantitative (standardized questionnaries related to brand attributes) and mixed (the brand concept map method , network analysis, etc.).
Hope it helps.
Another good article on this is Article Reframing place promotion, place marketing, and place brandi...
Article How to Catch a City? The Concept and Measurement of Place Brands