My two papers will be published in a Web of Science Indexed Journal: 1. Enhancing Organic Agricultural Production Through Beneficial Microorganism and Waste-Water Utilization Technology: A Concept Project and Future’s Thinking Approach 2. Symbiotic Fungal Biodiversity, Structure, Role, and Benefits to their Host Plants - Discovering Microbes with Potential Agricultural Significance: A Literature Probe Dear ResearchGate Scientists, if you have recent related research for publication, you MAY CONSIDER CITING these articles too. I am presently working on similar research undertakings, if you have recent publication that I MAY CITE, please let me know. I am also presently working on a completed research entitled: "Improving the Vegetative Growth Response of Eggplants Using Organic Fertilizer with Effective Microbes and Laundry Waste Utilization Technology (OFEM-LUTech)" I am presently writing its publishable format. I am planning to include international collaborators / co-authors, and if you are amenable, you may be added in this manuscript I am working on. Your role specifically is to enhance the paper to be published. In exchange, you should also include me as a collaborator / co-author on your present research for publication, with a similar role to enhance your manuscript for publication, or maybe other research-related tasks. I am hoping this will build partnership between our Universities, and also for our professional growth. Let me know your thoughts on this potential collaboration. Very truly yours, Jomar L. Aban, PhD Professor III Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, Philippines "God commends His love towards us, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" Romans 5:8

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