I am presently working on a completed research entitled: "Improving the Vegetative Growth Response of Eggplants Using Organic Fertilizer with Effective Microbes and Laundry Waste Utilization Technology (OFEM-LUTech)" I am presently writing its publishable format. I am planning to include international collaborators / co-authors. Is it possible (ethical) to include in my manuscript an international collaborator / coauthors in the research I am working on. Their role specifically is to enhance the paper to be published. In exchange, they should also include me as a collaborator / co-author on their present research for publication, with a similar role to enhance your manuscript for publication, and other research-related tasks.

If this is possible and ethical, please recommend anyone, who are willing to collaborate with my research undertakings. I am hoping this will build partnership between my university and their Universities, and also for professional growth.

Let me know your thoughts on this potential collaboration.

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