Opening or closing any channel should change membrane resistance (Rm), but curiously I seem unable to measure this. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be causing this, or how to measure it better? I'm studying a population of cortical neurons in rodent brain slices using whole-cell patch-clamp technique. The figure I made illustrates my situation.
I record current (A) in response to voltage clamp ramps (B) repeatedly as a drug is bath-applied. I notice this drug is generally excitatory, shifting holding current downward (with no change in access resistance). Subtracting the drug vs. baseline curves in A and plotting them with respect to command voltage I generate C which shows my drug effect at different voltages. Since it is largely linear and approaches 0pA at -110mV (the reversal potential of K+ in my experimental conditions), I presume this effect is caused by a change in a potassium conductance. Since it's excitatory, I assume the drug closes an inhibitory channel. Therefore, I presume this drug closes a K+ leak channel.
Oddly, I do not see any appreciable change in membrane resistance. I calculate membrane resistance at -50mV (where there is a ~20pA drug effect) by briefly stepping from -50mV to -60mV (D and E). I measure Rm as ΔE/ΔI (around 600MOhm for 10mV / 15pA) and notice that membrane resistance does not change, even though a shift in holding current shift is clearly observed. Holding current (F) and Rm (G) are shown for a representative cell. Can someone help me reconcile this observation?
Thank you in advance!