Dear all,
I am conducting research on the impact of blockchain traceability for charitable donations on donation intentions (experimental design with multiple conditions, i.e., no traceability vs. blockchain traceability).
One scale/factor measures “likelihood to donate” consisting of 3 items (dependent variable).
Another ”trust” factor, consisting of 4 items (potential mediator).
Furthermore, a “perception of quality” consisting of 2 items (control).
And a scale “prior blockchain knowledge” consisting of 4 items (control).
My question is: since all these scales are taken from prior research, is CFA sufficient? Or, since the factors are from different studies (and thus have never been used together in one survey/model) should I start out with an EFA?
For instance, I am concerned that one (or perhaps both) items of ”perception of charity quality” might also load on the “trust”-scale. e.g., the item “I am confident that this charity uses money wisely”
Curious to hear your opinions on this, thank you in advance!