Some of us are already writing with RG friends who are familiar and knowledgeable about our work. But when I asked for the email of certain persons, my mail could not reach them for 4 occasions, and I was informed by Gmail. So I conclude it's possible to collaborate between ourselves, but it takes both hand to clap AND SINCERITY, TRUST. Thanks.
We are already into it, I have teamed with many in RG. Joint publications, review of projects, guidance to members, seeking help, data collection, filling survey questionnaires, Providing project materials etc., are the best benefits of this network.
Very nice your groups of sentences about the importance of "i" and of a different letter "U". To achieve sucess without "us" is probably a impossible event, according to the frequentist theory of probablitiy, which means that it could happens but only one or very few times in a infinite repetition of events. The sucess is more easy to find if we have others ("US"), like you, as my Rg friend.
Theoretically, your question is very good for discussion. In this RG platform, all sorts of experts starting from administrators to scientists in all levels.
Practically, uniting everyone to bring one "I" involves lots of bureaucracy and management task. Moreover, it'll depends upon what we are going to do or where we are going to utilise all our expertise for good cause(?).
I have lots of previous experience to bring experts across the globe under one umbrella and faced so much of hurdles.
Instead of posting simple posts or quotes, to bring it to reality, WE, whoever interested, need to meet in one point thro' common but private discussion forum.
I enjoy the current level of discussion on this site. I see it as an opportunity to have an intellectual discourse with intellectuals who enjoy discussing debating and analysing different areas of interest. It is good to see how other minds few a subject area or topic and it is through this medium true learning occurs. It matters not whether we agree or disagree it's the fact that we are able to discuss reason and analyse an issue and from this experience bring what we learn from each other to those searching for direction advice and different view points that will enrich the learning experience.