is this LNCaP C4-2B cell line a specific clone derived from "normal" LNCaP cells? Actually I found LNCaP cells at DSMZ, ATCC and ECACC. But I don't know how different these cells are from your desired cell line. Maybe this answer helps you. Otherwise I wish you luck to find the right cells.
The LNCaP cell line is the parental cell line and the C4.2 --> C4.2B and c4.2LN are all derivatives of the LNCaP parental cell line. Tehy should all be available from the ATCC. Cancer Res 1994;54:2577-2581.
LNCaP cells were implanted into a Nude mouse, which was castrated (C) after tumor take. The tumor was then isolated & grown in culture for 4 weeks (4). These cells were implanted into a castrated nude mouse & the cells harvested from the xenograft for growing in culture(-2). These were then implanted again in a castrated nude mouse – the cells isolated from the primary injection site were called C4-2 Pr, those that met to the bone were called C4-2 B, to a lymph node C4-2 Ln.
The last time I checked ATCC did not have the C4-2 lines. The best option would be to ask from some one who has recently published with the cell line. You may need to get an MTA (Material Transfer Agreement) for that. And also depending on how they got the cells they may or may not be able to provide you with an aliquot. You can ask Dr. Chung, as far as I know he is now the director of the uro-oncology research program at Cedars-Sinai. Cedars-Sinai lists his e-mail address as [email protected]