Some of my friends and I want to improve our knowledge about "participatory design workshops" in a fundamental way. Would you happen to know of any books or papers that we should check out? We'd really appreciate your help!
you conduct the workshops and I share the link regarding your guidance my supervisor profile In Sha Allah helped for you. kindly follow the profile and these link and research work help you.
Firstly, PD workshops tends in my opinion to be less procedural and fixed, there needs to be some tailoring and this is also accepted in the scientific community.
That said, if you want to understand workshops "bottom up", from practical works, I recommend the following:
"Future Workshops" by Jungk. (not explicitly PD)
Antti Oulasvirta, Esko Kurvinen, and Tomi Kankainen. 2003. Understanding contexts by being there: case studies in bodystorming. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 7, 2: 125–134.
Thomas Ryberg, Lillian Buus, Tom Nyvang, Marianne Georgsen, and Jacob Davidsen. in press. Introducing the Collaborative E-Learning Design Method (CoED). In Art & Science of Learning Design, Yishay Mor, Brock Craft and Marcelo Maina (eds.). Sense Publishers.
Conference Paper Scandinavian Participatory Design - Beyond design, beyond Scandinavia
For a general introduction to PD, this is my favourite:
Gregory, J. (2003). Scandinavian approaches to participatory design. International Journal of Engineering Education, 19(1), 62-74.
and the works of e.g. Pelle Ehn, Susanne Bødker, Finn Kensing and more for more readings about the "attitude" and political/philosophical underpinnings to design.
This book is more "contemporary":
Note; these readings are (deliberately) more Scandinavian, which in my view is the most interesting strand of PD.
There's an open collection of Service Design Tools which captures many workshop methods for participatory design: here:
As the name suggests it has a focus on Design for Services and the approaches put high-value on the views of end-users (as workshop participants).