The figures (in the attachment) show the Raman spectrum of tetrahedral amorphous carbon coating (ta-C). Can you tell me how to interpret the features indicated by the arrows? Band 1, 2, 3 and 4? 5 - D band, 6- G band, 7 - sp1 carbon chains.
Our 1 micron tic ta-C coating is applied on a hard alloy substrate. An adhesive Ti layer, about 0.1 microns thick, is applied between the substrate and the coating. The coating was obtained in vacuum by the pulsed vacuum arc method. No hydrocarbon gases were used. The hardness of the coating is 70 GPa.
The spectra were obtained using the Horiba LabRam HR Evolution confocal spectrometer. The laser length is 532 and 633 nm, the power is 10% of nominal, the diffraction grating is 600 shtr/mm, the lens is 100×/0.90. When examining the uncoated hard alloy substrate, no features were found in the spectrum.