
I noticed that when I did a classic one-way-ANOVA on strength gain between two groups, that the classic one-way-ANOVA was not significant (p=0.096). Welch ANOVA on the other hand displays a p-value of 0.028 and thus if you interprete Welch ANOVA, strength gain is significantly different between the two groups.

I understand that Welch is used when variances are not similar. Levene's test was not statistical significant though (p = 0.199). So variances are assumed to be more or less equal. It should be noted that one group holds 5 subjects and the other group 30 subjects (so data is unbalanced). When I look at the graph, I would conclude that the variance between groups is not equal. Reading the following article: http://statisticsbyjim.com/anova/welchs-anova-compared-to-classic-one-way-anova/, there is no harm in using Welch Anova even if Levene's test was not significant.

Which analysis should I follow? I would love to hear some opinions on this topic.



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