Can we use any cancerous cell line (nonspecific) for implantation for inducing tumor in rat or mice ? If yes, then can it be induced in any part of the body ?
Generally no. In practice, Xenografts of tumor cells are generally done in nude or Scid mice, which are immunocompromised so that the tumor cells are not rejected. I do not know if there are rat equivalents of nude mice. Second, the tumor cells are usually injected into the fat pads, together with a matrix such as collagen gels. Not every cancer cell line will be able to generate tumors in nude mice. Some tumor cells in Xenografts will metastasize to other tissues, but the primary tumor is generally grown in the fat pads.
Lung Metastasis can be induced by injecting i.v. aggressive tumor cell line e.g. lewis lung carcinoma. Injected subQ they will form a rapidely growing solid tumor in immunocompetent mice