It is a known fact that Andrographis paniculata, is a annual herbaceous plant under the family Acanthaceae and commonly known as Chirata/Kalmegh, it was/is one of the most popular medicinal plant used traditionally for treatment of many diseases.
Can it be cultivated and used either raw form or as vegetable ?
What are its side effects. Is it a scientifically proven anti-viral drug with antioxidant properties ?
What is its safe dose for children and adults ? and at what frequency it can be used safely ?
We in Sri Lanks use Munronia pinnata as the substitute for the said plant. It is an essential ingredient in traditional formulae used for many fevers. Munronia pinnata is a herb rich in antioxidents and antiviral properties. Sudarshana Churna (powder) is a popular medicine containing Munronia pinnata. 5g twice a day is the recommended dose for adults (daily dose 10g).
Evaluation of an emerging medicinal crop kalmegh [Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex. Nees] for commercial cultivation and pharmaceutical & industrial uses: a review.