01 January 1970 5 6K Report

Is it better to create new factories to produce wind turbines, photovoltaic panels and other new technologies highly dependent on rare materials and other regions or to try to review existing production methods?

Coal is made up primarily of carbon. Burning carbon produces CO2, carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas. This CO2 is difficult to re-use and store, it is a very stable molecule which is not of great industrial value. In India, a power station uses this CO2 to produce baking soda.

Another way would be to achieve what is called incomplete combustion of coal, this combustion provides less energy but it produces carbon monoxide CO, it is a more easily storable molecule which has a high industrial value, in synthetic chemistry, in the steel industry, etc. In France, industry consumes more than 500,000 tonnes per year.

How to achieve incomplete combustion?

By limiting the reagent O2, by controlling the temperature and pressure.

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