1. Vit D may reduce severity by supressing cytokine storm. D deficiency has been shown to contribute to acute respiratory distress syndrome. The goal should be to raise concentrations above 40 ng/ml. Protective effects were seen in individuals receiving daily or weekly vit D but not among those receiving one or more bolus doses.
2. 17.6% of patients receiving Vit D + magnesium+ vitB12 combination required initiation of oxygen therapy vs 61.5% in controls. Combination was associated with odds ratio of 0.20 for intensive care support.
3. Zn probably inhibits coronavirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro
Official Public Service Announcement on Coronavirus from the World Health Organization. Learn about Symptoms, Prevention, Travel Advisory and Common FAQs on Coronavirus. Official info on COVID-19. Recommendation from WHO. Official WHO website
May I suggest reading this: http://www.academie-medecine.fr/communique-de-lacademie-nationale-de-medecine-vitamine-d-et-covid-19/
You will find a PDF text in English of about 1 page very much to the point and giving an explanation for the very favourable outcome of covid-19 in the Nordic countries: the spiking of food with vitamin D all year round.
No harm in usual doses. However, no conclusive evidence yet. One must treat if deficient, else take as a supplement with no false sense of security and do not ignore- PPE/MASK/DISTANCING/DISINFECTION/ETC
Most of the vitamins and minerals are involved in the immune system. They are important in protecting from infection, dealing with existing infection, and in preventing infection from becoming critical. People with low vitamin D admitted to hospital in Asia with Covid-19 were 10 times as likely to become seriously ill as those with adequate levels. Vitamin D is needed by T regulatory cells to protect against a cytokine storm, but it needs magnesium to work. Inhaling iodine has been used to prevent infection. Zinc is needed to read the genetic code, in order to make immune cells. Vitamin C has various roles in immunity, and IV vitamin C has been used successfully to treat viruses from polio to Ebola, and now Covid-19. Astaxanthin in salmon and omega three fatty acids in fish and shellfish protect against inappropriate inflammation. Vitamin E heals the lining of the respiratory tract. Mushrooms and yeast provide beta glucans, which improve immunity. Some omega 6 fatty acids are needed to provide immunity, but not so much that inflammation becomes hard to control. Pantothenic acid is needed to produce cortisol, to dampen inflammation, Vitamin B1 protects against infection, and magnesium and B1 need each other. Garlic, ginger and turmeric have been found effective against viral infections. So has licorice, but it should be avoided by those with hypertension.
There is a wealth of research on these matters, and some professionals in countries from China to the USA, and Azerbaijan to Kenya, are using this knowledge against Covid-19.
We know that those with darker skins make less vitamin D in countries far from the Equator. Why did we not give darker skinned doctors and nurses vitamin D before sending them into Covid-19 wards?
There are double standards. We had a new disease. We had no double blind placebo controlled studies on the use of ventilators in Covid-19, but we used them. Yet vitamin D was rejected, because there were not yet double blind placebo controlled studies. There is no intention of doing double blind placebo controlled studies on the Oxford Covid-19 vaccine. Instead of a placebo, they started with testing the vaccine against everything in the vaccine other than the virus. Then they changed to testing against meningitis vaccine. Real placebos are never used in vaccine research.
I was already convinced of the essential role of vitamin D in the maturation of T-cells for the early immune respons against corona virus and of its mitigating role in the late overreaction, thus avoiding ARDS. A recently publisched study ,shows that besides the impact on the severy of the infection, vitamin D concentration is inversely associated with the risk of infection.Article SARS-CoV-2 positivity rates associated with circulating 25-h...
Vitamin supplements, including vitamin C, D3, Omega-3 acids and other substances that act as antioxidants in the body increase the overall immunity of the body. Increasing the overall immunity results in a lower incidence of comorbidities in relation to the Covid-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. A lower risk of developing comorbidities also reduces the likelihood of severely contracting Covid-19. Than vitamin supplements, it is better to consume fresh fruits and vegetables that contain these vitamins. Instead of omega-3 fatty acid supplements, it is better to eat, for example, sea fish that contain oil with omega-3 acids. In addition, in order to strengthen the general immunity of the body, physical activity should be carried out, a healthy diet low in carbohydrates and fats, stimulants should be avoided, etc. Therefore, strengthening the general immunity of the organism indirectly significantly reduces the likelihood of a severe contracting of Covid-19 disease. In addition, the currently known most effective method of protecting yourself from Covid-19 disease is to vaccinate yourself with the highly effective SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus vaccine.