I am using Phospho-SAPK&JNK pThr183+Tyr185 Antibody (E.665.10) of Thermofisher (Pierce antibody). Protocol followed by me is as follows.
1. PMN fixation with 4% PFA/ 30 min/ 4 degree celcius.
2.Coating a layer of PMN on grease free slide followed by dry fixing.
3.Hydration with 1X PBS. Permiabilization with methanol /30 min/ -20 degree celcius.
4. treating it with 0.25% triton-x-100 for 10 min /RT.
5. Blocking 1% BSA.
6.Primary antibody dilution: 1:200 in 1% BSA/ 1hr RT
7.Secondary antibody: 1:250.
Mounting in vectasheild.
By using this protocol I am getting very weak staining. Please suggest me suitable protocol for PMNs.