I am a complete novice at this, but I found that reading the manuals and a couple of Masters thesis' gave me enough information. Most of the information came from the old Ionising radiation standards website which no longer exists and the new nrc.ca only has EGSnrc code download, however you can see an archived copy at http://archive-ca.com/page/265923/2012-09-02/http://irs.inms.nrc.ca/software/beamnrc/download.html . You will need to register to get the password and everything from roughly late 2012 is there, unfortunately no code although it was the older version.
I have already installed the software BEAMnrc and EGSnrc on LINUX system.But I am not able to compile my code using GUI(Graphical usr Interface).My LINUX system also has the required gnu compiler.But still I am getting the errors even when I am trying to compile examples provided in the manual of BEAMnrc and DOSXYZnrc.I have attached two screeshote of error.Please have a look at them and guide accordingly
argh....... I am guessing you have already put your question to the EGS page on facebook or google+ and no answer yet?
I have only worked with the cli on linux, I tinkered with the windows GUI but that computer got trashed.
As I said I am somewhat of a novice at this stuff, have you plugged the error into google, maybe someone else has struck it as well. Sorry can't be more helpful that this.
Yes I have tried to post my answer in various areas but I am getting the same errors.Have you worked a bit on DOSXYZnrc/BEAMnrc ?Do you know how to calculate dose deposition
Ankit, as I said I am a novice, and it has been a long time since I seriously tinkered. I will need to pull some notes out, but unfortunately my time is rather limited at the moment with a couple of work orientated user meetings. from Thursday through to the end of the weekend. I don't have either loaded on this laptop and my other computer was a windows box so not that helpful to your problem. If you get any help elsewhere before I can get back to you do try, I know it can be very frustrating when these things just don't work as expected.
Ankit I installed egsnrc on an ubuntu 10.04 box here and everything went sweet. Ummm a bit puzzled at this end, which isn't a great help to your situation. I see you put a post on google communities, hopefully their response helped.
Ya,I have been able to run the examples without any error with the help of responses I got in google+ communities.Now,I am trying to model Linac source in BEAMnrc. For that original specifications(technical documentation and materials )of Varian Clinac are needed which are not available.
I want to add that I am working on Monte Carlo simulation of Gold particle aided Radiation Therapy.My plan(from what I have studied in literature)is that I will first use BEAMnrc(to model Linac source to get phase space file) and then use DOSXYZnrc (with phase space file from BEAMnrc) to find dose deposition)
I want to ask whether original specifications of Linac are required for that or there is any other way to do that?Do you have them or can help in this regard?
I just passed by this conversation and was wondering if there is anything you could help me with regarding using BEAMnrc. I installed it on my PC but really puzzled on how to use it, any advice how to start? As a start I want to calculate the PDD of a point source 1m away from a water phantom.
EGSnrc has two main derived codes for specific purpose:BEAMnrc and dosxyznrc
BEAMnrc code is used to simulate linear accelerator and dosxyznrc is used for 3-D dose calculation in the cartesian volume. for running beamnrc you must get the full specification of your point source and then define it in a text file named egs input file.after the simulation of beamnrc complete,code generate phase space file which contain information about charge,energy,direction and etc of particle.
finally the phase space file use as a input file for dosimetry with dosxyznrc code.