I am using Brilliant III qPCR mastermix to amplify a 60 bp oligo and getting spurious bands on 12% PAGE when I try to amplify using 95 degree denaturation for 15 s followed by 60s extension for 33s (minimum time possible in ABI 7800 system for data collection). I have also used a 62 and 72 degree celcius for annealing and extension for 10 and 40 s respectively. However when I run it in 12 % Gel, I get a band near the wells and a smear. Previously I got amplification when I used Takara polymerase (conditions were 95 (10s), 62(10s) and 72(1 min) degrees for denaturation, annealing and extension respectively in endtime PCR but am unable to replicate it in qPCR. P.S. An amplification is apparent in the qPCR. Can anyone suggest how to troubleshoot this?

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