Hi, I need to coat some plate with rat tail collagen II. I was wondering whether I can reuse the collagen after I do the first coating.... if so, how many times?
In the rat tails, you tends to find mostly type I collagen from the digestion of the tendons. I am not sure that i follow your question. Do you want to coat a plate with rat tail collagen and then recuperate the collagen ? It is likely that you will be able to remove a bit of the collagen by scrapping or by immersing your plate in acetic acid to resolubilise the collagen. I would not guarantee the quality of the collagen that has been recycled though.
Dear Laurent, thank u for ur reply... generally when I coat plates with poly-L-lysine, I usually save it for reuse it later for more coating. My question was: can I do the same with rat collagen?