Hi everyone
Im trying to slice my mice brains with the cryostat, however, I haven't been successful, the tissue seems to stretch and then it breaks.
Let me tell you the story about these brains:
These brains were perfused with 4% PAF and Gadoteridol for MRI, we did the MRIs and then kept these brains in the fridge (4ºC) in PBS and Sodium Azide for 6 months aprox. A week ago I transferred them to 10% sucrose in PBS (1x) and then 30% sucrose in PBS (1x) and today I tried to cut them, the cryostat is working fine, I sliced other brains before these ones, however the tissue of these brains breaks, and I don't know why.
I searched in the literature and found 2 papers that did these same (MRI + sectioning + IHC) things BUT they embedded their samples in paraffin, and my question is, is there a specific reason to use paraffin embedded tissue in the microtome instead of frozen tissue with OCT in the cryostat with the conditions I mentioned before.
I attached a video, I don't usually cut this slow it was only meant to focus the video.
PD. The glass doesn't have any nicks and the blade is new. Any other ideas?
Thanks in advance!!!