28 February 2020 5 5K Report

C18 SPE cartridges can be useful for purification of small hydrophobic molecules from a solution that also contains proteins, buffers and salts. As far as I can tell, they can also be used for the opposite, i.e. to remove the small molecules from solution by retaining them on the column bed.

The common cartridges (e.g. Thermo HyperSep C18 SPE cartridge) are designed to be used by connecting them to a vacuum chamber and thus pulling the liquid through them.

I wonder if anyone has tried to use these simply by pushing the liquid through using a syringe plunger?

And if so, do they come in standard sizes so normal 1 mL / 2 mL / 5 mL / 10 mL syringe plungers would fit?

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