I want to make -80C stocks of Legionella species. Is there some special protocol or can I simply use 25% glycerol which we often use for other Bacterial species?
Why 25 % ? You can use the protocol below and still get good recovery after prolonged time !
Prepare a solution of 30% glycerol (v/v) by mixing 30 ml of glycerol with 70 ml of water. Transfer the solution to a screw cap glass bottle and sterilize by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 min. Loosen the cap during autoclaving.
Aliquot 500 µl of sterile 30% glycerol into sterile 2 ml sterile microfuge tubes containing 4 mm glass beads*.
Add 500 μl of bacterial culture to the tube and mix with the glycerol using a vortex mixer.
Label the tube with the organism name, strain, date, etc.
Place the tube in the freezer and record its location.
The ISO 11731 method for legionella has specific instructions about it Glycerol broth
Dissolve 5 g of a commercially available dehydrated nutrient broth in 170 ml of water (6.1) and add 30 ml of glycerol. Mix well and dispense in clean, dry silica-glass bottles in volumes of 2 ml. Sterilize by autoclaving at (121 ± 3) °C for (20 ± 1) min. Store at room temperature until required.