09 September 2014 4 4K Report

18S rRNA genes in fungi can be used to discriminate between different classes or orders, but not to family-species level, which is why we use ITS.

The problem though with ITS is that we cannot align all fungi to generate unifrac (etc..) metrics as would be possible for bacteria based on 16S.

As many of the sequences in fungal ITS dbs have been generated using primers that amplify the SSU-ITS1-5.8S-ITS2-LSU I was wondering if there is any reason why it wouldn't be acceptable to generate a rough 'all fungi' phylogeny for ITS datasets by extracting the 18S or 5.8S sequence from the top blast hit to a query sequence. i.e. I blast 10 ITS2 sequences against UNITE then pull out the full length sequence of the top hit and extract the 18S or 5.8S which I could then align to generate a phylogeny that could be used to calculate phylogenetic metrics.

I would greatly appreciate some expert feedback on this.... Thanks

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