This indicator is coming from the summation of answers to relevant survey questions.

(i.e Urogenital = Q23(Survey question result ) +Q25 + Q27 + Q28 + Q30 + Q32 + Q 35 + Q37

example a respondent "Rachel" has Urogenetial value 42 because she answered 3 for Q23 and 5 for Q25 ... )

There are some indicators that have a lower standardized regression weight than 0.5.

However, for my research, I want to keep the variable in my Structured Equation Model(SEM).

What kind of option I can have to keep this variable more reasonably(?), and more rationally?

I have thought about some options.

1. JUST keep it by providing some theoretical background ( not statistical reason).

In this case, what kind of theoretical background I should find?

2. By removing the sub-question (i.e Q23) in the Urogenenital variable, I put the Urogenital_2(excl Q23) variable instead of the Urogenital.

( assume Urogenital_2 has better-standardized regression weight).

However, I'm not comfortable with this option because this survey tool is used in a different direction than intended.

3. If you know any solution for this case, please let me know.

Thank you,



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