I'm looking for alternatives to produce BioDiesel using soybean oil. To do that, I need to grow huge amounts of soybeans and not enough space. Any suggestions? Thanks,
In relationship to the soybean biofuel project for Carlos Torres in Puerto Rico. Soybean is about 20% oil and have a greater portion of protein. If biofuel is you interest I would suggest the use of peanut which can contain 40 to 50% oil. Jatropha is another possibility with a much higher oil content than soybean. The highest ability to produce oil is oil palm. All of these possibility depend on developing an oil extraction plant.
When considering soybean production, it is important to consider some of the major gains in yield potential made over time by improving both genetics and agronomic practices. Using modern soybean cultivars, farmers are able to produce vastly more soybeans in the same area. This trend is continuing, as yield improvement is a major goal of soybean breeders everywhere. See the links below for more.
Article New and Old Soybean Cultivar Responses to Plant Density and ...
Also, you may want to consider growing soybean cultivars that are capable of producing more oil. Soybean 'TN11-5140' is an example of a high yielding cultivar that is capable of producing high oil. This approach may help you achieve more oil in less area. See link below.
Article Registration of ‘TN11-5140’ Soybean Cultivar
Finally, when considering soybeans vs. other oilseed crops, it is important to consider the 40% protein component of soybean that adds additional value to the 20% oil. This combination of high value traits is beneficial for producers, and worth considering when choosing which crop to grow.