I've obtained a fatty acid profile of broiler diet comprised of SFA 48 to 93%, MUFA (22 to 40%), PUFA (non determined to 10.4%. The PUFA composition is mainly n-6 and almost no value for n-3. The inclusion of corn and soybean meal was high, around 40-53% for each dietary treatment, and it has been proven in all research articles that corn and soybean are rich in PUFA. Since corn and soybean meal are the major constituent in my formulation, apart from palm oil (3%), palm kernel meal (3%), pollard (5%), and fish meal (5%), Im struggling to find the best justifications for high SFA in the ingredient used. This might be due to climate changes, genetics, environment etc but there is not reported data regarding the difference of fatty acid composition from the past study related to these feedstuffs, hence, its diffcult for me to explain in literature review. Does anyone want to share any tips to solve this issue?

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