In 2014, I had planted 210 lines, 3 checks (1 repeated check & 2 random checks) in augmented design 1 replication, 1 location ( 2 loc were planted but lost 1 loc for late freeze damage). These 210 lines comes from 12 populations (Family structure is complex I have 7 wild relatives back crossed to 2 elite parents). In 2015 out of 210 lines, 93 were advanced to next generation based on tillering ability (alpha lattice, 2 replications, 4 locations). I have done BLUPs and BLUEs for 2015 using META & I got heritability for 2015. I have done moving mean analysis using Agro Base Gen II for 2014. End of the day I have to calculate genetic gain we have achieved for grain yield by indirect selection for tillering ability. Please guide me step by step

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