I am starting to write and test VUMAT for my Abaqus simulation. Since mine is a linux system and I can't buy a licensed Intel Visual Fortran Compiler, I am using the default gfortran compiler available in linux. I tested a single material VUMAT and it got compiled. Abaqus was able to read it and use it for analysis.

The problem arises for a multi-material VUMAT. It shows no compilation errors. But when I submit it along with my Abaqus job, Abaqus gives the following error. The .msg file is not formed and the .sta file is empty. 

'Illegal memory reference' (signal 11).

The same VUMAT gets compiled and the input file gets executed when compiled using Intel Visual Fortran compiler on another system.

Please let me know any changes to be made in the gfortran compiler or if additional information is needed.

Thank you.

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