I would look at the chemistry of hot springs with high mineral content and archea-type, Nitrosomonas, or methanotrope bacteria, Acidic conditions...especially chlorides will ravage the sulfides, oxidizers will as well. Using a red-ox system may give you the effects you want. Finding something tolerant of low pH and dissolved copper may be a challenge.
its certain to agree with Sukla sir reply....the ore mineralogy does play a vital role too. Chalcopyrite with high relative distribution of disseminated pyrite grains can help in faster kinetics and less need for additives.
Detailed mineralogy plays vital role in bioleaching of chalcopyrite. During scale up issues so many factors come into play. Exothermic nature of reactions also help in faster kinetics.
Contact and non-contact mechanisms have been proposed in the microbial leaching process . The contact mechanism considers that most cells attach to the sulfide mineral surface forming specialized biofilms and that the bioleaching process occurs at the mineral–bacteria interphase The non-contact mechanism involves planktonic bacteria recycling strong oxidants such as ferric ions. Enhancement of Licanantase and other (meta)secreted proteins on the bioleaching rate of chalcopyrite have been reported.
It's known that some additives improve the leaching of the minerals as chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite etc. Why bacteria or some types or oxidans? The answer in Hydrometallurgy is known and elaborated from scientists (Habashi, ......)
If my additive is showing higher dissolution rates then can I think of upscaling. If I do, then what possibly can obstruct for an application to industry?
It is necessary to develop an effective technology to recover copper from chalcopyrite.The heap leaching operation can be impoved by way of increasing temperature,carbon content of heap,adding carbon dioxide,carbonate ores,organic carbon compound and some protein containing materials etc.
yeah i do agree sir for the second one. Similar was the case where i had also used the bio-leaching method to recover copper from a mixed sulfide and had optimized the parameters.
Hi I do happy that your experience is same in your conditions.
May be it'll be very interesting to make some joint experiments or study for this technology - Macedonian ores and ores from your region. Joint publishing of papers etc.
Thank you Dr.Boris for the proposal.I would love to work in joint collaboration with you. Yes it will indeed be very interesting to work together. I think we can share more of our future work in direct communication through mail.
My Mail id is panda.sandeep84@gmail.com. I hope you will not mind sending me your email id to me. Thank you, with best regards,Sandeep