I want to calculate the soft tissue thickness from the 3D images of MRI/CT Scan at different landmarks. Can anyone suggest me best suited automated software for soft tissue thickness in this case.
You can try using our software called Checkpoint. You can extract a bone surface and then a soft tissue surface and place point pairs on both, then add length primitives between the points to measure the distances. The points can be exported too into CSV and other formats.
I think David is on the right path. Here is what i did years ago from X-ray CT scans.
To create a distance (thickness of soft tissue) map on the skin of a horned lizard (two species in this picture link or attached file)
An isosurface was created of the soft tissue or the skin. Then an isosurface was created of the bone.
Points from each surface (skin and bone) were compared to find the shortest distance between both sets of points.
Once the shortest distance was found, this was the value (distance or thickness) of the soft tissue. Each point was assigned a thickness value, in my case only the soft tissue or skin set of points was assigned a thickness value.
This thickness can be assigned a color gradient in the case of the horned lizards very thin or no thickness (horns) was set to white and varying in greater thickness assigned to red, yellow, green, and the thickest was blue and purple.
Free Software used was IsoSurf from Cambridge to create the isosurface but ParaView or MatLab can do the same types of isosurface calculations.
To compare the points I first sorted both sets of points by x then by y then z to reduce the amount of comparisons and then wrote my own code to find the shortest distance.
I think Excel can also do the sorts and find MIN distance but i have not tried this. Hope this helps.