I have to use subroutine in ABAQUS for welding analysis with Goldak heat source Model. Does anyone have an idea how to write and link the subroutine in ABAQUS? I am a new user of ABAQUS. Thanks in advance
This question is not simple to answer. I can give you guidance as I have used UMAT/VUMAT extensively during my Ph.D days. Kindly follow abaqus documentation manual, examples etc... It is a good read but pain in the neck. You can also browse imechanica.org where lot of people would have spoken about linking abaqus to fortran. You also need Microsoft visual studio if you are not using linux.
For the heat source model, i guess there is one routine called UHEAT or something, i vividly remember. Since it is a SUBROUTINE, u don need to do everything. ABAQUS will try to help you by passing some variables. Take the model and Try to see what all variables you need to pass from Abaqus in to the subroutine and then check what all you need to update. It is lot of human effort and kindly be prepared for this!
What is the license you are using in Abaqus, if it is Research, then as i told you earlier, need a fortran, Visual studio etc.. Check this page, they have a detailed procedure listed
i am having student version of ABAQUS software. i have gone through the link but there only procedure to install ABAQUS with trouble shooting problem is given.how to link subroutine codes to ABAQUS is not cleared for me. can you provide detailed procedure for linking codes to ABAQUS.