Can anyone recommend papers that explain design research or design research methodologies, particularly those focusing on DIY methods in product development?
Sani Uddin Khan, I share with you the following works for your consideration.
Camburn, B. A., Sng, K. H., Perez, K. B., Otto, K., Wood, K. L., Jensen, D., & Crawford, R. (2015, August). The way makers prototype: principles of DIY design. In International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (Vol. 57175, p. V007T06A004). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Creusen, M., Hultink, E. J., & Eling, K. (2013). Choice of consumer research methods in the front end of new product development. International Journal of Market Research, 55(1), 81-104.
Ottosson, S., Björk, E., Holmdahl, L., & Vajna, S. (2006). Research approaches on product development processes. In DS 36: Proceedings DESIGN 2006, the 9th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia (pp. 91-102). [Available online for download.]
Ulrich, K. T., & Eppinger, S. D. (2016). Product design and development. McGraw-hill. [Available online for download.]
Van Kleef, E., Van Trijp, H. C., & Luning, P. (2005). Consumer research in the early stages of new product development: a critical review of methods and techniques. Food quality and preference, 16(3), 181-201.
@sani uddin khan, DIY means "do it yourself" it doesn't require any references. I followed "think, make and do" concept. Design Thinking: Incorporating “Think, Make, and Do” in Design Education, IJEAST, ISSN:2455-2143, Volume 8, Issue 10, Impact Factor- 4.982, Page No: 89 – 92.
We make tools and devices to help us make more things ourselves. Computers and the the internet greatly accelerated this. And did wonders to remove the assumption that only highly trained / educated people with sophisticated tools could make things. Design thinking, design research and all the other theories were created to supplement a desire to extend innovation and creativity to a greater number of people. a 100 years ago we called it "problem solving". Then 70 years ago an American company, IDEO, did developed much of modern concepts of "design". In addition to all the other suggestions people have posted I suggest you look into both "problem solving" and IDEO. --- One last thing...modern ideas of education suggest we learn, perform and think (usually verbally) the same. Sameness is the anti-thesis of design, DIY design and nurturing innovative people.
Sani Uddin Khan Sani, Teachers in my city noticed students couldn't focus on their work and lacked interest. And didn't know, talk or work with each other. After many attempts to improve things they decided on no access to cell phones. Students hated it. Still do. - But they started to talk and work with one another. He tells of hearing absurd and crazy ideas. And hopes (a big hope) phones they're remembering how imagine things. I think thats a big part of DIY.