I want know how the family bonding/interaction impact the career development decision or indecision. If anyone have empirical research paper (based on a good theory) will be of benefit.
Metheny, J., & McWhirter, E. H. (2013). Contributions of Soc Status and Fam Supp to Colleage Students' Career Dec Self-Eff and OE. Jn or C Asst, 21, 378-394.
Dear Colleague, I commend to you the work of Richard Young, University of British Columbia. A sample of papers pertaining to his research are provided below.
Valach, L., & Young, R. A. (2004). Some cornerstones in the development of a contextual action theory of career and counselling. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 4(1), 61-81.
Young, R A, & Valach, L. (1997). The joint action of parents and adolescents in conversation about career. Career Development Quarterly, 46(1), 72-86.
Young, R A, Valach, L, Ball, J, Paseluikho, M A, Wong, Y S, DeVries, R J, . . . Turkel, H. (2001). Career development in adolescence as a family project. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 48(2), 190-202.
Young, R. A., Marshall, S. K., Domene, J. F., Graham, M., Logan, C., Zaidman-Zait, A., . . . Lee, C. M. (2008). Transition to adulthood as a parent-youth project: Governance transfer, career promotion, and relational processes. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 55(3), 297-307.
Young, R. A., & Popadiuk, N. E. (2012). Social constructionist theories in vocational psychology. In P. McIlveen & D. E. Schultheiss (Eds.), Social constructionism in vocational psychology and career development (pp. 9-28). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Young, R. A., & Valach, L. (2004). The construction of career through goal-directed action. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 64(3), 499-514. doi: 10.1016/j.jvb.2003.12.012
Young, R. A., Valach, L., & Domene, J. F. (2005). The action-project method in counseling psychology. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52(2), 215-223.
Young, Richard, Marshall, Sheila, Domene, José, Graham, Matthew, Logan, Corinne, Templeton, Laura, . . . Valach, Ladislav. (2007). Meaningful actions and motivated projects in the transition to adulthood: Two case illustrations. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 7(3), 149-158.